Frantic Timeless 13 @ The Scala

Venue: Scala

Location: London, UK

Date: Feb 14 to Feb 15

Length: 08:00 pm - 06:00 am

Ticket Price: £12.50

Frantic Timeless 13

@ The Scala

The 4th Dimension

Lab 4 (live) Classics (First London Live PA Since 2009)
Andy Whitby & Cally Gage
Paul Janes & Ilogik
Technikal (Hard Trance Classics)
Kumite (Dave Owens & Valex)
Ben Stevens & Adam M (Vinyl Only Closing Set)
JP & Jukesy (Trance Classics Set)
Carl Nicholson (Trance to Hard Trance Set)
Ashley Waters
Dave T

The Big Bang – Tripoli Trax 21st Birthday

Chris C
Andy Farley
Pete Wardman
Ian M
Mark Kavanagh
Marc Johnson
Dave Curtis
Wayne Smart
Amp Attack

The Time Tunnel

Aaron James
D4rk (Hard Trance Vinyl Classics)
Rob Davis & Tom Berry
James Devlin
Matt Rush & Mai
Alex Mac & Zeebra Kid
Stewart T

The Black Hole – Exclusive VIP Room
– Only VIP Ticket Holders have access to the VIP Room –

Andy Farley (Exclusive Acid Techno Set)
Ben Stevens (Exclusive Trance Set)
Skol (Exclusive Old Skool Piano Classics)
Robbie Van Doe & George Ford
Wain Johnstone & Caz Wood
Lindon C & Gareth 2Dark
Chris Todd
Chris Manga
100% Classics / 100% Anthems

4 Rooms & 10 Hours of Trance, Hard House, Hard Trance, Acid Techno Classics

Frantic Timeless, the UKs ultimate classics night returns for its monumental 13th birthday.

Join us on Saturday 14th February as we take you on a nostalgic Frantic journey through Time and Space to your favourite Trance and Hard House.
Reminisce as we time-warp you back to the glory days of the 90s and 00s, where you first heard the classics and anthems that made you fall in love with the music.

Hosting The Big Bang Room are one of the original and longest running hard house labels, Tripoli Trax, join us as they celebrate their 21st birthday.

The theme for Frantic Timeless 13 is The Time & Space Valentines Ball as we will be taking you back in time to your favourite classics so make sure you join in the fun and come dressed in anything space related.

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